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Safety Inspection

Where there are new processes and equipment, it pays to have a second pair of eyes that have years of experience at laboratory and around explosives.  Don't be fined for overlooked hazards, when help is available.

Calibration and sizing using a Coulter Counter.  Custom designed laser scattering systems for measuring micron sized spherical particles.

Trace Detection of Explosives

Designing studies to measure detection thresholds for explosive residues, validating levels for performance testing, benchmarking detection limits for new instruments.

Experienced in the operation and interpretation of GC, GC-MS, HPLC, GPC, Langmuir Probe, Multi-Wavelength Emission Pyrometry, NO/NOx measurements, Quantitative Analyses, and spot tests with chemical samples.

Spectroscopic Analyses

Skilled in operating and interpretation of UV-VIS, IR, Raman, Micro-Raman, Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF), Mass Spectrometry (MS), and Ion Mobility Spectrometry (IMS) analyses.

Thermodynamic Equilibrium Calculations

Skilled in performing NASA CEA program calculations, calculating NIST-JANAF thermodynamic and transport properties, and using the STANJAN and Air Force's ISP codes for chemical equilibrium calculations at flame temperatures.

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